What Changes Will 2019 Bring to the Ag Industry?
No one can predict the future. For those in the Ag industry, this is especially true. While every new year brings new challenges that no one saw coming, other events and challenges are more likely to occur.
American farmers are cautiously optimistic about 2019 despite dire predictions and trade fights
Trade tensions and supply concerns are daunting challenges farmers are likely to encounter in the 2019. Despite this, farmers say they are cautiously optimistic about the New Year.
10 predictions for farmers in 2019 this could be another rough year – or it could be the turnaround we need. let’s get out the crystal ball.
Good year, bad year, something in between? What are the top predictions for farmers in 2019?
2019 Weather Outlook: El Niño Winter Patterns Persist
Nothing impacts farmers more than the weather. While predicting the weather is next to impossible, experts say there are some trends to be on the lookout for.