It might come as a surprise to many Ag business owners, but social media can drastically increase their number of sales leads. The key is to understand what specific aspects of social media to concentrate on. After all, social media is a broad term that encompasses many different things.
In order to make sure that your social media strategy is as effective as possible, it is important that you concentrate on what is hot right now in the world of social media. So what is hot? The following list outlines it for you:
Social Signals: When people share your content, it sends more traffic to your website. More traffic, means a higher SEO ranking. So while social media doesn’t directly affect your SEO, without it your SEO can certainly suffer. The takeaway? Organic, high-quality content is more important than ever.
Mobile Traffic: Last year, mobile traffic among farmers and ranchers overtook desktop traffic in the United States and its usage shows no signs of slowing. Think of all of the time farmers and ranchers spend away from their desks and it is easy to see why mobile is so popular with them. If it isn’t already, mobile needs to be one of your highest priorities.
Data-Driven Targeting: With all of the valuable insights that can be gained through social media analytics and other reporting tools, there is simply no excuse for not personalizing your marketing message to every one of your agriculture leads. Make no mistake, your competition is approaching the same farmers and ranchers that you are—and chances are they are doing it with a personalized message. Make sure you don’t lose farmers and ranchers who feel another company knows them better.
Engagement Matters: Research shows that social media influences customers’ buying decisions even more than retail websites. Further, the more engaged your customers are on your social media sites, the greater your sales numbers. That’s why it is so important that you work to make your social media sites commerce-driven. While buying over social media is still in its infancy, the day will come when you will need to implement such strategies. Until then, engaging farmers and ranchers via social media about your products and services will make the inevitable transition much smoother.
Social media has endless potential but it requires a great deal of time and attention to do it right. This is time well spent, however, as the potential payoff is huge.
How to Attract New Customers
Business of Farming and RanchingWhen it comes to starting your own Ag business, there are a lot of unknowns. Perhaps the biggest unknown, however, is how you will attract customers.
Unfortunately, no matter how long you remain in business, the quest for new customer never ends. Even those lucky Ag business owners, who are so busy they have to turn away new customers, understand this may not last forever and the need to search out new clients can arise at any time.
While you may believe that your Ag product or service should “sell itself,” in most cases, it won’t. Therefore, no matter how little you can afford, you must dedicate some amount of money for marketing. The key is to make sure that you put your money to good use. In other words, set goals and continually track results to make sure you are meeting those goals.
If you do not invest in marketing, it will be almost impossible to build a client base. Here are some of the best ways to attract new customers—whether you have been in business a few weeks or a few years:
Finally, while it has been said over and over again, it costs much more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep a current one. Once you gain a new customer, offer the type of products and customer service that will keep these farmers and ranchers coming back for more.
Strong Call-To-Action Imperative When Marketing Your Ag Business
UncategorizedMarketing your agricultural products and services takes time and effort. Unfortunately, many Ag marketers work so hard at explaining the benefits of what they are selling, they often overlook one of the most important aspects of marketing: an effective call-to-action.
Strong calls-to-action are imperative for farmers and ranchers considering one of your products or services because they let them know what they should do next. When compelling and persuasive, calls-to-action are hard to resist and impel farmers and ranchers to click or respond to what you are selling. Weak calls-to-action, on the other hand, are almost always overlooked or even ignored.
Writing a compelling call-to-action is especially important when marketing to farmers and ranchers who don’t have time to waste searching for the best way to learn more about a product or service or to purchase it on the spot. In light of this fact, always pay attention to these guidelines for clear-cut calls-to-action:
Chances are that you will have to experiment with calls-to-action before settling on one or two that your sales leads respond to. If a particular call-to-action doesn’t seem to be working well, try another one. Strong calls-to-action will do wonders for your business so it is important to get them right.
Social Media Crucial to Ag-Based Businesses
Farmer and Rancher MarketingIt might come as a surprise to many Ag business owners, but social media can drastically increase their number of sales leads. The key is to understand what specific aspects of social media to concentrate on. After all, social media is a broad term that encompasses many different things.
In order to make sure that your social media strategy is as effective as possible, it is important that you concentrate on what is hot right now in the world of social media. So what is hot? The following list outlines it for you:
Social Signals: When people share your content, it sends more traffic to your website. More traffic, means a higher SEO ranking. So while social media doesn’t directly affect your SEO, without it your SEO can certainly suffer. The takeaway? Organic, high-quality content is more important than ever.
Mobile Traffic: Last year, mobile traffic among farmers and ranchers overtook desktop traffic in the United States and its usage shows no signs of slowing. Think of all of the time farmers and ranchers spend away from their desks and it is easy to see why mobile is so popular with them. If it isn’t already, mobile needs to be one of your highest priorities.
Data-Driven Targeting: With all of the valuable insights that can be gained through social media analytics and other reporting tools, there is simply no excuse for not personalizing your marketing message to every one of your agriculture leads. Make no mistake, your competition is approaching the same farmers and ranchers that you are—and chances are they are doing it with a personalized message. Make sure you don’t lose farmers and ranchers who feel another company knows them better.
Engagement Matters: Research shows that social media influences customers’ buying decisions even more than retail websites. Further, the more engaged your customers are on your social media sites, the greater your sales numbers. That’s why it is so important that you work to make your social media sites commerce-driven. While buying over social media is still in its infancy, the day will come when you will need to implement such strategies. Until then, engaging farmers and ranchers via social media about your products and services will make the inevitable transition much smoother.
Social media has endless potential but it requires a great deal of time and attention to do it right. This is time well spent, however, as the potential payoff is huge.
How to Get Referrals from Ag Customers
UncategorizedFarmers and ranchers talk to one another. In fact, many times it is the referral of a fellow farmer or rancher that encourages a farmer or rancher to purchase a piece of equipment or invest in new Ag technology.
Since referrals can make a huge impact on your bottom line, it is important that you try to get as many as possible. So how can you encourage your customers to recommend your Ag business to their friends and family?
Finally, always offer outstanding customer service. Let’s face it, when customers are thrilled to work with you, they are going to want to share the good news. Providing your customers superior products and services coupled with great customer service is the best way to make sure they sing your praises—whether or not they have been asked!
Popularity of Agritourism Continues to Rise
UncategorizedSpring is in the air and that means people are beginning to plan for their summer getaways. This year, many Americans will once again choose a visit to the countryside as opposed to a trip to the beach, a waterpark or other more traditional summer destinations.
Recently, a growing number of city-dwellers have opted to connect with nature and experience life in the country for their summer vacation. This is understandable. After all, who can resist waking up to the sounds of a working farm, feeding baby lambs, or gazing at the clear night sky filled with stars.
In most cases, such trips involve staying on an operating farm or ranch. These farms and ranches allow individuals, couples or families to experience country living up close and personal. From cheese-making on a dairy farm in Wisconsin to caring for livestock on a cattle ranch in Montana, these agritourism vacations are all the rage.
Children and adults of all ages will love feeding baby animals, picking blueberries, baking pies, churning butter, eating huge farm-style meals, and sleeping in an old-fashioned farmhouse. The best part? You can travel to far off locations or remain close to home and still get away from it all.
Considering spending some time in the country or on the farm for your next trip but can’t decide if it is right for you? Farmers list the following reasons why agritourism is an outstanding choice:
Of course, visitors to farms and ranches aren’t the only ones who benefit from agritourism. Such vacations help to support small and family-owned farms. They also may entice young people who have never experienced country living to consider a career in agriculture.
Many Farmers Underestimate the Value of their Operation
Business of Farming and RanchingTax season is in full swing. And farmers who have updated the way they manage their farming operation’s accounting systems may be in for a wake-up call.
In her article, Management Accounting Helps Farmers Make Informed Decisions, Andrea Johnson writes about the shock many farmers experience when they realize their modest farm has blossomed into a multi-million dollar operation. Often without them even realizing it.
Quoted in the article is Norman Brown. For 32 years, Brown has provided farmers with computer financial systems. Brown says there are many farmers out there who need to make the switch to management accounting so that they can make their farming operations as efficient as possible.
Management accounting may look at the cost of feeding and raising livestock vs. selling crops. It can evaluate the cost of running a combine compared with hiring a custom harvester. Informed decisions can be made regarding hiring employees vs. the owner completing all tasks independently on the farm.
Management accounting allows farmers to make decisions using financial measurements that will optimize production and performance. This will help farmers to know if they are, in the long run, going to be able to be competitive and sustainable.
Most anyone who is farming today is a good producer, but we are looking at people that are starting to take a risk management viewpoint for marketing, for expansion, and for financing.
Farmers who are interested in converting to management accounting should work with a specialized accounting firm. They also can contact the Farm Financial Standards Council and the American Society of Agricultural Consultants for guidance.