Launching a Postcard Campaign:
Focus on 3 Steps

You’ve decided to use postcards as a marketing tool for your business. Excellent choice! How do you ensure your campaign hits the mark? Follow these three steps to make your postcard campaign a success.

Step #1: The Audience

Selecting and segmenting your audience is pivotal. With diverse buyers and influencers, it’s crucial to tailor your messages to address their unique needs, boosting engagement and the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

Segmentation can be based on several factors:

  • Geographic: Where are your buyers located?
  • Demographic: Are there unique attributes like age, gender, or income levels?
  • Psychographic: What are their objectives, challenges, and roles?
  • Behavioral: How do they behave? What insights do you have about their purchase preferences?

For businesses marketing a known product, tools like RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) Analysis can aid in segmentation. For a postcard campaign introducing this product to a new audience, segmenting by job title and problem will enable you to align your solutions with the segments most likely to face those challenges.

Step #2: Set CLEAR Goals

Consider adopting the CLEAR goals framework, especially beneficial for campaigns that require iterative testing and tweaks:

C (Collaborative): Foster teamwork and collective problem-solving.
L (Limited): Restrict scope and duration to maintain focus.
E (Emotional): Align the goals with the passions of your team to ensure engagement.
A (Appreciable): Concentrate on smaller, more manageable tasks to monitor progress.
R (Refinable): Adjust goals based on outcomes.

For your next postcard campaign, here’s how CLEAR might be applied:

  • Collaboratively design a postcard.
  • Initiate a limited 15-day campaign in the first phase.
  • Evoke emotional connections by showcasing testimonials from current customers.
  • Set short timelines: Obtain the list, segment it, design the postcard for a particular segment, dispatch, evaluate, and adjust.
  • Refine the message based on feedback from the initial segment.

Step #3: Track Your Results

As touched upon earlier, consistent tracking is the secret weapon of seasoned postcard marketers. This process should not be an afterthought but rather an integral part of campaign planning and execution. Regularly monitor response rates and aim to enhance every step of the sales process.

For instance, you might track metrics such as qualified vs. overall response rate, sales rate, cost to acquire a customer, ROI, and customer lifetime value. While this might sound complex, collaborate with your accounting or analytics team. Having them crunch the numbers and compare segments can be invaluable, and involving more stakeholders often enhances success rates over time.

Talk to us
Looking for the ideal audience for your upcoming postcard campaign? We offer more than just mailing lists—we mail postcards! Contact us and we’ll optimize your next postcard campaign.

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