New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

New Year’s resolutions are really easy to create. It’s the work involved in trying to accomplish them that is difficult. We seem to create resolutions for our own personal lives, but what about our business? Do we make a list of things we want to accomplish in our business lives? We should – not a lot, maybe two or three items that we want to accomplish in 2016 that will make our business better than it was in 2015.

Some examples might be:

1.  Create a Business Plan

It’s simple. There are numerous examples online as to how to build a business plan. For US Farm Data, we look at the 4 P’s (Product, Pricing, Promotion, Personnel. You can also add a section on Competition, etc.

2.  Add Something to Your Product that Your Competition Does NOT Have

This can be anything – from expanded customer service hours to something more tangible. “Our product has this! Our competition does NOT!

3.  Don’t Overload Yourself

You can’t do everything. You can’t be everything. Some questions we ask are:

“How do we want the product to improve?”

“What’s the revenue goal?”

Easy things to do, but no doubt, takes some work to make them happen. Set objectives that will push your company forward, and at the same time, can be achieved with some good ‘ol fashioned hard work and planning. It’s not too late.

Good luck to all of you. Feel free to call US Farm Data ( if you want to discuss your business, and how we can help you grow.

In the meantime, we wish you all a very profitable 2016.