Online Reviews Are Part of Your
B2B Buyer’s Journey

The B2B buyers

Online reviews are part of most consumer decisions, so is it any wonder it’s becoming a critical part of the B2B buyer journey? Research is limited, but reviews are influencing buying behavior and purchase decisions.

The B2B buying process


In this stage, buyers with a problem to solve go looking for or become aware of your solution to their problem. Buyers in the awareness phase start researching the different types of solutions available. To shortcut the decision process, buyers will Google your company name or product name and see what comes up.

When you Google your company name and product names, what comes up? 


In this stage, buyers narrow their options in order to make comparisons of different products solutions. They look at features, they ballpark prices, and look into customer testimonials getting closer to a decision. If there are reviews, in this stage they go a little deeper on what customers have written.

If you have customer testimonials and reviews, are there indicators to prospects that the reviewer is “just like them?”


This is the final stage where buyers decide which solution to purchase. In the past, buyers would have been engaging with a salesperson before this stage, but these days it’s not uncommon for this to be the first contact with sales. By this point, prospects have read user reviews and weighed the pros and cons of each possible solution.

When your prospects contact you, how much do they already know about your company and offerings? 

We’ve said before that direct-to-consumer selling eventually drifts into business-to-business selling. Reviews and testimonials are no exception. Think about your buyer’s journey and where online reviews could help or hinder your sales process.

If you want help with testimonials or online reviews, our marketing arm, LeadGen Compass, has access to tools and processes to help.

Google your company or product name, and your competitor’s products to see how you stack up.

If you want to know more, contact one of our representatives today.

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